
Sony Digital Paper System DPT-S1 Review

The e-reader market has lost some of its initial appeal due to the rapid rise in popularity of tablets and other similar mobile devices. However, 'tablets' with E-Ink screens continue to offer the best experience in terms of battery life as well as reducing eye strain. E-Ink screens have not scaled well in size, with the 6" screen size being the most popular and economical choice. Products with bigger screen sizes such as the Kindle DX (9.7") have not enjoyed market success due to pricing issues. Sony's Digital Paper System (DPT-S1) targets business users with a 13.3" E-Ink Mobius screen. It comes with a stylus / pen for taking notes and annotating PDFs. Is the Sony DPT-S1 right for you? How is the user experience with the digital paper system? This review will provide some answers.