Data Backup & Recovery
If you have lost data, or are worried about losing data, please feel free to call us on: 01924 500718 or contact us by clicking here.
Hard drives are a complex mechanical devices. usually the only, or one of the only mechanical devices in your computer. Due to the complexity, sensitivity and intense usage of the component, they often fail. Covering and anticipating for this is crucial in order to retain your data in case of failure. Backup is the best way to guarantee this.
About Backup
Backup is an area probably most neglected by home users. Backing up your files is very important. We usually realise this once its too late and your personal data is lost. It can be expensive to retrieve and not always guaranteed. There are many forms of performing backup, manual and automated with software. We recommend you use even the most basic forms of backup. Copying and duplicating your data to an additional location. This can be a local pen or flash drive, an external hard drive or on-line ’Cloud’ storage.
We offer Cloud storage on our servers for a small monthly fee to home users. Please Click Here for more information.

Unlimited cloud backup to keep your files safe
Knowing what to back up
Usually its the obvious; Documents, Pictures, Music… other data is also useful. Your Account profile will contain contacts, favourites and quite often your email outlook ‘pst’ files in a hidden location. All data that you probably wouldn’t want to lose. Backing up as much as you can will result in minimal disruption in restoring your computer to how it was.
If you are unsure or want recommendation on what solution would be most appropriate for you, please contact us, we would be happy to advise or assist.